The 3 Pillars - Feeding the Homeless Trust

The 3 Pillars - Feeding the Homeless Trust 3 Pillars Feeding the homeless trust

"Initially, we undertook a number of trial runs at the car park of the Brewery Tap in Peterborough on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and after 16 weeks we now feed and offer clothing and bedding to over 60 people per night."

'The 3 Pillars - Feeding the homeless Trust' was conceived by Mick Pescod and Ged Dempsey - Freemasons from the Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire. This Charity is run by Freemasons and is a Masonic Charity BUT friends and anyone who would care to assist are very welcome to join us - Charity status currently being applied for.

Initially, we undertook a number of trial runs at the car park of the Brewery Tap in Peterborough on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and after 16 weeks we now feed and offer clothing and bedding to over 60 people per night.

Our vision is to expand this project geographically and increase the frequency of the support across the Province but first we need to make sure that the model works and can be fully supported.

We have had great assistance from members of the public, similar minded groups such as 'Helping Huntingdon Homeless' founded by Karen Dunn who has been amazing. A local Peterborough family (Husband, wife and Mother) now join every Tuesday and Thursday with hot food. This supplements what we offer and we have had many donations of food and clothing but we have a real ongoing need for this to continue so any help will be thankfully received and faithfully applied.

Donations of food, blankets, tents, clothing (coats, shoes, gloves) waterproof bags etc are most welcome. All donations collected from any direction are fully accountable, and all monies raised goes directly to looking after the homeless in this area.

The most critical support is volunteers to assist on-site to feed the people who are in real need of this help. Once this is fully established it is our wish to expand this to other locations within the region.

We have recently purchased a van that in time will be converted to a purpose built catering van that is self-sufficient. Donations towards the purchase of the van are being sought currently with a few local businesses already pledging support – A full list of the sponsors can be seen on the sponsorship web page

Please visit to find out more and or donate -

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The Masonic Centre
127 Ellindon


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St Peter's lodge is a very warm and welcoming lodge with a steady cross section of all ages. Our formal meetings are on the second Thursday of the every month, with a rehearsal meeting on most Mondays.

We do enjoy a regular get together, whatever shape that may take, such as formal dinners, social meetings, Golf, Rugby or even a plain and simple night out etc.



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